Sue Woodward

A Little Bit About Me.

My name is Sue and I have fibromyalgia. It seems so easy to type that word but I can assure you that the word comes with a indiscriminate package deal whereby the main elements are daily chronic pain and extreme fatigue. I am not entirely sure where it came from and after living with it for over ten years I can’t remember life without it. Unfortunately it can consume it’s victim entirely at times.

You could say I have learned to live with the pain but all that is happening is my pain medication doses are slowly going up, my mind is slowly fading and I am losing all hope of ever having a normal life ever again. That kind of brings us to my blog. As well as having fibromyalgia, I also have asthma, coeliac disease and am morbidly obese for my 4’11” stature. I weigh over four stone than I should and am in dire need of losing the excess in order to help with managing my conditions. This blog is my way of documenting my journey to keep myself on track and keep myself sane. It is also a way to be held to account if I slip.

If you have got this far, thank you for reading. Please be kind if you feel the urge to comment, I am extremely fragile at the moment both physically and mentally.

Have a great day.

If anybody would like to know more about Fibromyalgia or would like support from fellow spoonies please follow who I am sure will be happy to help.